
Chinese Zodiac - Part... where I wonder about what I just read...

Ok, instead of a full-blown analysis on the subject matter, I'll simply say this (Read previous blog for context):

I'm not a fatalist. I don't fancy all events to be pre-determined and therefore inevitable.  Being rather opinionated and having a strong sense of self, I also find it difficult to reconcile my being the way I am was determined by my birth time, date and planetary position and not a product of my own doing. However, while I won't say I fit the bill entirely (because I do have a sense of humor goshnammit!), but errr, the readings tend to be frighteningly close. What does that mean...?  Am I better or worse off for having read insights into 'myself'...? Could I force a change...? Do I become empowered by what I've read...?

To persist in this line of thinking will require a post-thought head massage to untangle the knots that are sure to form...owww... 

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