
Thought of the Night...

It's a dangerous thing, blogging at 3 in the morning.

Continuing with my Shakespearean state of mind... tonight's quote of choice is from Twelfth Night, one of my favorite plays and one that introduced me to Shakespeare in 7th grade. Mrs. Floe, the devil herself on scooter, made sure we ate, drank, and slept Shakespeare. More on that another time.

And so from Act III, Scene 1: "Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better".

Earlier today, a friend wondered why it was that it's never the one who you want to be clingy that is, and it's always the ones you don't want to be clingy who are. Her ex from five years ago hasn't quite got the message that even if he was the last man on earth, she wouldn't be back with him.

Anyway, my thoughts on the subject - I don't think clingy is a good thing, period.

Reflecting on the quote, I'll let love come to me.

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