
Quote of the Day

While leaving Kasai Road, I enjoy a moment with the snippity little dog next door who is barking its stupid little head off. It barked at me, I 'barked' back, it barked some more, I bared my teeth and snarled a little... what? Don't judge me.

Seeing this, Auntie Agnes says, "that dog - all sound and fury signfying nothing".

My mouth is agape, "What! That's a brilliant quote!"

"... it's Shakespeare!"

In the back of her car I hang my head in shame... "Oh..."

My mom chimes in, "don't you have all his books...? Time to..."

".... yeah..."

So here, quote of the day from Sir William Shakespeare: "Life is a tale told by an idiot -- full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".

Sometimes that's how I view my blogs. Fail.

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