
29,840 views and counting...


There are 29,000+ users on Google+?

Who's looking at my page? 

Are YOU looking at my page?

Who ARE you....?  :) 

So yes, color me surprised when I saw that I had that many views of my Google+ page. 

It's rather odd to think that while I am open to posting my thoughts on this particular format, 
that there are actually those who might actually read this.  

Anyhow, I've a real entry that I'm marinating on, and it deals with this idea of 

"What others think about me is none of my business," that I hear thrown around.
I've some thoughts about this and other fun self-empowering quotations so will get to it very, 
very soon. 

For now I'll simply say, drop a line in the comments section if you DO happen upon this entry. 

Would like to know when and if I'm having a conversation, as opposed to simply a monologue.

Have a good one! Take care of yourself! Smile!

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