
Let's try something different...

Twenty-eight reasons to be proud of myself:

1. I take vitamins. Ok this first one was just a throaway and more of a reason for my mom to be proud of me.

2. I recycle, buy (mostly) organic produce and am mindful of curbing mindless, unnecessary consumption.

3. I rarely suffer from hormanally-induced rages suffered by those of my gender on a monthly basis. I am consistently logical and rational.

4. While it may be mistaken for workaholicism, I care about my work and go to extraordinary lengths to do it with excellence, regardless the amount of extra time I clock in or the number of people I potentially piss off.

5. I recognize my shortcomings and I know when to apologize.

6. I don't sacrifice style nor comfort.

7. I will hold my ground and stand up for what's right.

8. I care deeply for my family and friends.

9. I laugh for the world to hear. No prissy giggles here.

Ok 28 may be a tall order, so let's just go with the 9 for now and we'll continue this later...haha.

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